Content partnerships

Partnerships with bloggers and media personalities

Darren Palmer blog post
The Block’s Darren Palmer

In addition to managing in-house blog content for hardtofind, I also initiated partnerships with key influencers to broaden reach and promote brand association.

We invited established bloggers, including Nikki Parkinson from Styling You and Kayte Murphy from Woogs World to write guest posts about their personal style and products that they loved. We also identified up-and-coming bloggers that we felt our audience would connect with, such as Hipster Mum’s Jade Warne, and asked them to contribute a guest edit. This fit well with the hardtofind image as a design leader, the first to find the coolest stuff.

Beyond the blogosphere, we connected with other major influencers from the media, including interiors writer for The Sydney Morning Herald Alexia Biggs, and The Block‘s Darren Palmer and Katrina Chambers. They provided a trusted voice of authority while offering a wide appeal.

The result: These partnerships provided content for the blog while aligning hardtofind with like-minded personal brands. It brought personality and credibility to the blog and the hardtofind brand overall. The guest bloggers would share their post across their social media channels, allowing hardtofind to reach new audiences.