April Fool’s Day Prank

True love is hard to find

hardtofind April Fool's Day prank email For April 1, hardtofind wanted a joke that would show off their cheeky personality.

With the rising popularity of dating apps such as Tinder, I devised a concept for promoting a new match-making service – because true love is hard to find. The conceit was that hardtofind’s co-founders, Eri and Trudi, would use their impeccable taste to find your perfect match based on the products you love. After all, like Rob Fleming says in High Fidelity “What really matters is what you like, not what you are like.”

I wrote copy for the ‘promotion’ and worked with the designers to come up with this email send-out for the subscriber database.

The result: The eDM showed hardtofind’s fun, humorous side which was in line with the overall brand image. We received tweets and Facebook messages from both customers and our seller partners praising the prank (and many saying they wished it were real!).